Issue 1 | April 19, 2024
People are eager for credible information, insight, and tools to address impostor syndrome.
That’s why we’re excited to share Impostor Syndrome Institute Insights. In this first issue, Dr. Young responds to the narrative that impostor syndrome is a scam. And we invite you to learn about a framework to become impostor syndrome-informed.
Even if you don’t experience impostor syndrome yourself — if you lead, manage, mentor, coach, or train others — it’s important for you to understand impostor syndrome!
To making a difference,
Carolyn Herfurth & Dr. Valerie Young
Impostor Syndrome Institute, LLC

“Everyone is ignorant, only on different subjects.” Will Rogers, American humorist
Fact Check: Impostor is Not a Scam or Conspiracy
by DR. VALERIE YOUNG Impostor syndrome is a scam. Worse, it is a deliberate misogynous strategy created to hold women back. Besides, it’s not even real.That was the troubling and wildly inaccurate message of the 2023 commencement speech at Smith College.

Discover the ONLY effective methodology for dealing with impostor syndrome and grow your practice as an Impostor Syndrome-Informed Coach™

Published by the American Psychological Association and edited by University of Michigan professor and expert on racialized impostor syndrome Dr. Kevin Cokley this is the first research-based book on the impostor phenomenon.
Its 27 contributors – including Dr. Valerie Young — are among the leading experts on this topic.
Chapters address the connection between impostor feelings and mental health and burnout, how it shows up for women, people in STEM and medicine, the impact of race and racism, interventions, and more.
Young’s chapter speaks to leadership or other coaches, clinicians, academic advisors, and others working directly with individuals and to in-house L&D, OD, and DEI professionals.

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