Your Blueprint to become a Licensed Associate of Impostor Syndrome Institute
Become a part of our global network to stamp out impostor syndrome and add a long-term revenue stream to your speaking business as a specialist on this high-demand topic
Join the leading provider of information, insight and tools to organizations and individuals since 1982.
NOTE: If you are an employee of a corporation, university, non-profit or association and would like to learn about bringing Rethinking Impostor Syndrome™ in-house for your employees/members/students/faculty… please visit us over here where we can share solutions available to teams and organizations.

Engage with an authority who has 30 years of research/experience on impostor syndrome and create a valuable network of very open and professional associates for yourself in the process.
This is a must if you want to take the lead in normalizing impostor syndrome.
This training not only enriches the knowledge of the impostor phenomenon, but it provides the marketing and delivery tools as well as a supportive community of learning and practice, to feel ready to immediately launch. This is a “turnkey” program. I feel ready to move right on in, to this new space of presenting the RIS program.
If you agree with Valerie’s view on Impostor Syndrome then save yourself the time of trying to create/develop content for your own Impostor Syndrome material because you are going to be given the leading content/thoughts on Imposter Syndrome in a well packaged format – you wont need to do anything else.
The ‘Rethinking Impostor Syndrome” training program sets one up to be able to begin confidently speaking on the topic almost immediately. The wealth of Valerie’s experience is in every facet of the training.