Top 10 Ways to Know If You Suffer From Impostor Syndrome
Impostor syndrome describes the belief shared by millions of men and women around the world that deep down we really aren’t as intelligent, capable, qualified, or talented as everyone seems to THINK we are — despite evidence of our accomplishments. But impostor...
Who Do You Think You Are to Not Go for It?
Have you noticed how when you dare to go after a dream, resistance is intent on keeping you small? The closer you get to believing that you actually can do it, the more likely you are to receive an unwanted visit from that niggling inner voice. The one that demands...
How NOT to Determine If You Have Impostor Syndrome
In a recent LinkedIn post a coach shared her unusual method for determining if a client is experiencing impostor syndrome. Her technique comes in the form of a question: Would you rather give a talk in front of 200 people or to 6 senior execs at your company? If the...
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